Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent


15.-18. juli 2025

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Nyt om "Dansk 4'dags march" 2021 i Slagelse

08-03-2021 12:35:00 - Niels H. Frank, FO & Koordinator


DNK er nået så langt i planlægningen, at vi har fastlagt en startdato for tilmeldinger til "Dansk 4'dags march" i Slagelse.

Fra tirsdag den 23. marts 2021 kl. 07.00 kan man tilmelde sig marchen.

Sidste frist for tilmelding er fastsat til søndag den 25. april.

Supplerende bestemmelser 2021, som beskriver krav, vilkår og kriterier for marchen (herunder prisen), er under udarbejdelse og publiceres snarest muligt.


Der bliver desværre ikke mulighed for at erhverve sig en officiel Nijmegenmedalje efter gennemført march.
DNK har været i dialog med arrangørerne - Stichting de 4’Daagse og KWBN - angående muligheden herfor, men vi har i lighed med andre nationer fået et høfligt afslag -svar og begrundelse kan læses nederst i denne nyhed.
DNK har derfor besluttet, at årets alternative march skal have sin egen unikke medalje. Denne bliver tildelt marchgængerne efter gennemført præstation.

Forhåbentlig for første, eneste og sidste gang...!


Svar fra Stichting de 4’Daagse (19. februar 2021):

With regards to the questions you ask of us: one of the delegation countries approached us with a similar request earlier in the year and we considered the possibilities. After serious consideration we had to draw the conclusion that unfortunately we are unable to facilitate this.
The reasons for this are firstly that we feel that the Nijmegen Marches are unique, with hundreds of different elements that come together in one week in July. Trying to export a part of this cannot do justice to what the event should be. Also, we do not have the means and the experience to facilitate such alternatives, nor can we predict if it will be safe to organise such events in July. Lastly, now that the 2021 Marches have been cancelled, we feel it would be unfair to our other participants if we were to organise an alternative for specific groups and not for others. This also means that the official rewards can’t be given out if the official Nijmegen Marches are not completed, because the Four Days Marches Cross is an officially recognised Dutch honour. It has a Royal Decree attached to it, applicable only to the Nijmegen Marches.

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