Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent


15.-18. juli 2025

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Update coronavirus 17 MAR 2020

17-03-2020 16:57:00 - Niels H. Frank, FO & Koordinator


Update 17 March 2020: Since 12 March there is a national ban on events with more than 100 visitors. This ban, along with other measures designed to limit the spread of the coronavirus, will apply until 6 April at least. It is currently too early to be able to make any statements or draw any conclusions with regard to the 104th Four Days Marches, which will take place in the third week of July.
The organization of the Four Days Marches keeps an eye on developments regarding the coronavirus from day to day. We have close contacts with the municipality of Nijmegen, emergency services and experts about this. Depending on how the situation will develop in the near future, the authorities will decide whether it is justified to let the Four Days Marches take place this year.
For now, the registration procedure for the 104th Four Days Marches remains unchanged and we are continuing with the necessary preparations for our beautiful event.

I forhold til sidste update er der ikke banebrydende nyt. Siden den 14 MAR 2020 har der været forbud mod forsamlinger og arrangementer på mere end 100 personer eller deltagere. Forbuddet gælder foreløbig frem til den 6 APR 2020.
Det er derfor stadigvæk alt for tidligt, at drage endegyldige konklusioner.
Forberedelserne og tilmeldingen til den 104. Nijmegenmarch fortsætter ufortrødent.

Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent gør for øjeblikket alt for, at få KNBLO til at erklære nødret i forhold til normale retningslinjer for betaling og mulighed for refusion.

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