Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent


15.-18. juli 2025

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COVID 19 - Coronavirus

05-03-2020 11:59:00 - Niels H. Frank, FO & Koordinator

Dear Delegations,

Stichting DE 4DAAGSE takes into account all kinds of possible factors that could possibly hinder the walking event. At this moment we are of course keeping a close eye on any developments regarding the coronavirus, but it is currently too early to be able to make any statements or to draw any conclusions. It depends on the specific circumstances and the recommendations of RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) if measures need to be taken and if so, which measures. We have close contacts with the municipality of Nijmegen, emergency services and experts about this. If necessary, we will inform the military delegations and our other participants via the means of communication available to us, such as our website, newsletter or e-mail.

Best regards,

Lotte Janssen

Stichting DE 4DAAGSE

Kort fortalt meddeler arrangørerne af De Vierdaagse 2020, at man har fokus på situationen og er i dialog med de relevante myndigheder, eksperter og det lokale beredskab.
Skulle man blive nødsaget til at foretage yderligere foranstaltninger, vil disse blive meldt ud til de militære delegationer og på de relevante medier.

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