Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent


15.-18. juli 2025

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15-03-2020 09:47:00 - Niels H. Frank, FO & Koordinator

Update 12 March 2020: Since 12 March there is a national ban on events with more than 100 visitors. In any case, this measure applies until 31 March. It is currently too early to be able to make any statements or draw any conclusions with regard to the 104th Four Days Marches, which will take place in the third week of July. Of course we keep a close eye on developments regarding the coronavirus.

It depends on the specific circumstances and the recommendations of RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) which measures will or will not be taken. We have close contacts with the municipality of Nijmegen, emergency services and experts about this. If necessary, we will inform our participants via the means of communication available to us, such as our website, newsletter, the Four Days Marches app and social media.

De hollandske myndigheder foretager, i lighed med de danske, for øjeblikket en række foranstaltninger for at forhindre spredningen af coronavirus. 
KNBLO følger naturligvis situationen nøje, men vil på nuværende tidspunkt ikke foretage sig yderligere. Årets march løber først af stablen i den tredie juli-uge, så meget kan nå at ske inden da.
Dansk Nijmegen Kontingent har i den forgangne uge sammen med de andre nordiske landes delegationer rettet henvendelse til KNBLO og stillet en række spørgsmål af praktisk karakter.
Et svar på disse tilgår snarest iflg. KNBLO-sekretariatet.

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